PLD Kits for Trainers are an Indispensable Tool to Utilize the Working Benefits of PLDs

12-01-2010-1558vp-290The three major types of devices that is reigning the arena of digital and electronic systems are memory, programmable logic and microprocessors. Logic devices, both fixed and programmable ones take care of specific functions that include interfacing, signal processing, data communication, data displays, controlling operations and every basic function performed by a system.

Logic Devices: Fixed vs Programmable

Programmable logic devices offer a host of advantages as compared to their fixed counterparts. Programmable logic devices allow designers to make use of cheap software tools in order to construct, simulate and quickly test the designs before making them public. The design may be programmed quickly in the device to test it on the live circuit. The PLD used for prototyping is essentially the same PLD used in the manufacture of the concerned end equipment, like a modem, network router or even a CD player. Apart from ensuring quick completion of design, this process incurs nil NRE costs.

Important advantages of PLDs

  • Greater flexibility: PLD endows customers with greater flexibility during design cycle as design iterations require a simple change of the programs and the outcomes can be immediately visualized on the working parts.
  • Quick prototyping: PLDs never require prolonged lead times to prototype production parts as they are always ready for transport. The quick prototyping is a feature of this process.
  • Control over inventory: PLDs form a cost-effective solution in the sense that they allow consumers to order exact number of parts without the need to stock up for the future. This reduces wastage and unnecessary expenditure.


The Layman’s Guide to the World of Programmable Logic Devices

12-01-2010-1558vp-290Introduction to PLDs

 Programmable logic devices are integrated circuits that can be programmed manually using a description language like VHDL, CUPL, ADA or Verilog. These devices make it possible to generate accurate schematics for the building of files that can be utilized to program devices.

Programmable logic is one of the several types. Older versions such as PAL20R8, GAL22v10, 22V10 and 20V8 have been in use for many years. More recent types include complex programmable logic devices or CPLD like XC2C32A and XC3S50 by Xilinx that have resulted in the improvement of the original form of devices.

PLD types

Programmable logic devices are of two types, the PLD and its variants as well as FPGA. These two categories differ in terms of their architecture. While FPGA Include several flip-flops, PLDS do not have much of these things. Additionally, FPGAs of today comprise features like in-built multipliers, reliable block ram part and the ability to handle interface standards. CPLDs do not require extra devices for programming and retain their programs in event of a power loss. They also consume less power and are competent to handle various signaling schemes like LVDS and HSTL. Owing to these benefits such devices are considered to be highly efficient.


The Benefits of In-System Programmers

avrusb-usb-avr-programmerIn-circuit or In-system programming is the technique whereby the programmable device gets programmed only after its placement on the circuit board. It is quite possible to reprogram today’s microcontrollers as well as external memory chips, without removing them in entirety from the board. This eliminates the additional handling process required during manufacturing to program the device externally.

In-system programming solutions are beneficial in a number of ways. Some of them are listed below. Go through these and get enlightened:

•    Convenience of operation: In-system programmers allow programming of electronic chips, even while they are installed within the computer system. This increases the convenience of operation to a great extent for the user.

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An Insight of Wireless Starter Kits and Their Features

22-04-2014-1636Bluetooth_Starter_Kits_153.jpgIt has never been so easy to get started with the wireless technology. These days, there are complete wireless automation kits available which includes devices which are wireless enabled. These Wireless Starter Kits are smart and are easily available these days in the market. These starter kits perform 3 basic functions, which include the following:

•    Packet Error Rate (PER) Demo: Plug and play testing demo, which is out of the box range. It offers a quick test of product capabilities, and enables packet transfer in one way.
•    RF Evaluation:  This is an environment of the test bench. You need to connect to the RF equipment and then evaluate the performance of the product in terms of sensitivity, current consumption, power etc.

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A Review on Atmel AVR Dragon

When it comes to low cost development tools, the Atmel AVR Dragon set a new standard of the 32-bit and 8-bit devices which have an OCD or On Chip Debug capability. It is capable of performing symbolic debug on all those devices which has SPI with OCD, PDI, JTAG, parallel programming, high voltage serial programming, aWire modes. It supports debugging using JTAG, SPI, and PDI interfaces.

Main Features of this programmer

Here are some of its main features. Have a look on the same:

•    It supports 1 maskable data breakpoint or 3 hardware program breakpoints or (it depends on the OCD module on the AVR device)
•    It is capable of supporting software breakpoint up to 32 which is quite good

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AVR USB Programmer – a Brief Overview


If you are interested in learning and studying microcontrollers and you wish to transform the digital based design which you have been using all these while into a micro controller enables device, then you need to have some knowledge about the devices, the technology and other important aspects. It takes a lot of skills and expertise to become an AVR USB programmer.

What are the Steps to get on with it?

The followings are the steps which are important for you to take a note of before you get on with it. Check them out to gain expertise over the same:

•    Being an expert of “C” programming language is not enough. This need to be mentioned right at the outset. However, your ability to analyze and solve a problem statement will come handy. This is one of the most important requirements while with a microcontroller system

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About Sena and Its Product Range

Sena Technologies have introduced Sena 10C, which is a communication and camera system that forms a combining unit. The Bluetooth expertise of this brand has innovated headset devices and camera technology and they have incorporated both into one single technology. This product has been introduced to revolutionize the market. The Sena product range has a wide range of varieties to offer to its customers.

Zigbee ModulesZigBee Wireless Network Products

Being one of the leading Bluetooth manufacturing devices, Sena has introduced some of the amazing Bluetooth devices which have helped in smooth and efficient communication and at the same time they have ensured that the products are durable. The equipments of this brand are waterproof and they can be used widely and extensively.


Starter Kits for Using Microcontrollers – Few Useful Information

Do you wish to learn and study microcontrollers? Do you want to come out of the traditional digital designs and look for something microcontroller based? If that’s what you want to do, then you must have a very clear idea about these systems and devices. The following section will present a discussion on Microcontroller operations. Here is some of the important info about Starter Kits:

AVR Starter KitsEthernet Starter Kits


Here are some of the components which are required for getting started. Have a look to know in detail:


Different Types and Features of In-system programming

ISP, which is also known as In-system programming and In-Circuit Serial Programming or ICSP, has the capability of programming some logical devices like micro controllers and other embedded devices while they are installed in a system. There is no need to program the chip separately before embedding it into the system.

AVR ISP ProgrammersST7 ISP Programmers

There are numerous in-system programming protocols which are incompatible when it comes to program the devices used in the microcontrollers. Some of these devices are AVRs, PIC microcontrollers, Parallax Propellers and others. The ICSP has been introduced with the aim of programming the dsPIC and PIC devices.


Some of the Handheld Programming Hardware

When it comes to Handheld Programming Hardware, there are many modern and so phisticated devices available these days, which has made the job very easy. These devices come with the latest and updated features which have their operation more effective. Here are some of them:

Handheld AVR ProgrammersHandheld Programmers for Serial EEPROMPIC Handheld Programmers

  • DTT Programmer

The DTT offers simple, yet a comprehensive programming. There are new versions of these devices which are coming up with the latest and more advanced features. Here are some of its features