How Does PIC Programmer Works?

A pic programmer is a circuit that interfaces the PC to the controller using the PC’s parallel, serial or USB port. It is used to write data to the microcontroller and also read it back for verification. It translates the digital logic levels from the PC to the more logical level for the microcontroller.

A Short Guide To EEPROM

An EEPROM or electrically erasable programmable real only memory is like a regular ROM chip that uses a grid and electrical impulse to create binary data. The main different between ROM and EEPROM is that EEPROM can be reprogrammed without having to remove them from the computer. One only needs a localized charge from an electrical field to erase the EEPROM chip. In addition, one do not have to erase the entire chip all at once and can make only specific changes when needed. 



A Guide To Microcontroller Programmer And AVR Development Kit

If you are interest in studying and learning microcontrollers, there are a few things that you need to know. A number of people want to convert age old digital based design into something that is based on microcontroller, but do not know where they need to start. Here is a short guide to help those people understand what microcontroller programmers are.

Before you can start with the programming system, here are some of the steps and tips that you need to know –


Top Uses Of Multi USB Travel Adapter

In today’s world getting stuck in a confined place without an Internet connection is worse than dying. Internet today has become more of a necessity than a privilege. In order to stay connected, one needs an multi USB travel adapters that offer a number of benefits to the users.
A multi USB travel adapter can be used to connect various devices like the computer, printer or a smartphone to a wireless connector and then to the internet, without the need of hardwiring to any network device…………

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A Guide To EEPROM Chip Programming

The full form for EEPROM is Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. These allow for the erasing of individual bytes or the entire memory space electrically without the need of UV light. The individual bytes can be easily erased without having to erase everything on the chip. Even though the process of burning is longer than the EPROM, they are worth the wait.

EEPROM is also called non-volatile memory, as when it is turned off, the stored data in the chip will not be erased. All the new EEPROM will not have any data in it and will have to be programmed by an EEPROM chip programmer before it can be used. All the information stored in this type of memory can be retained for many years even without a steady power supply offering many benefits to the users.

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An Introduction To Microcontroller Programmer And AVR Development Kit

If you are interested in studying and learning about microcontrollers, you will be able to find information on the Internet to help you with it. Before you get started with this programming system, you need to keep a few things in mind. If you are looking to work on any microcontroller system, you need to more than just a master in C programming. You need to have the ability to analyze the various problems and be able to solve it. Apart from that you will need a combination of hardware and software to create a microcontroller based embedded system. A microcontroller is a small IC and forms the hardware of the system. This tiny chip can easily store a preset program, which is known as the software. 

The components that will be required in the AVR development process are a temperature sensor, a microcontroller, 5VDVC regulator and a 16 chars by 2 lines. 

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Five Astounding Features of USB Based PIC Programmers

Those who work closely with PIC programmer modules know that there are four types of these programmers namely Serial, Parallel, USB and Boot loader. Among these the PIC programmer USB where in one can programme their PIC controller chip through an USB programmer is most reliable and easy to use. To get best results one has to assure that it supports the devices running on ICSP interface and help programmers to leave the PIC chip on the circuit and still program it quickly with the self-powered USB bus. There are plenty of features of these USB adapters. Some of these are mentioned here for you to take a look: 



Multiple device support 

These devices support a wide collection of microchip PIC microcontrollers available in market. 

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Three Major Engineering Applications of the CAN Bus Protocol

A controller area network (CAN) is a vehicle bus standard that helps microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other sans a host computer. Initially it was designed to multiplex electrical wiring within automobiles, now it has plenty of engineering applications. If you want to know about all of them go through this page and get enlightened about the same:


ECU for vehicles

Designing the engine control unit for vehicles along with transmission systems, airbags open close mechanism, antilock braking ABS, cruise mode control, electric power steering, battery recharge systems are some communication set up which needs to be independent and combinational in operation. The CAN protocol is ideal in this set up. 


Serial EEPROM Programmer- Small Memory but Big Use Cases

Memory cards, flash drives etc. have shrunk in size despite their ability to store large data. All the credits go to the ultra slim serial EEPROM programmer that sits inside these devices. The EEPROM is an electrically erasable programmable read only memory that uses a grid and electrical impulse to create or store binary data. They are reprogrammable which makes them the best choice for storage devices. The biggest advantage of these EEPROM programmers is that one can choose to browse through the storage and delete only those contents that are unwanted for their consumption. Here in this page you will get to know about this in detail:

I2c EEPROM programmer devices have many uses which have many them quite popular among the users.


Communication protocols for networking devices

Computers and networking devices have become all the more important in day to day life today. With internet being the most important medium of communication and data transfer, computers have become all the more valuable. Not just computers there are plenty of devices right from the simplest micro controllers to handheld programmers, to serial ports to USB cables, serial device servers, terminal servers etc that help in storing, transferring data across different machines, storage devices and also external storage mediums. Some of these protocols that are used to program basic electronic circuits that help in data communication are discussed here:


Serial communication